Sabtu, 23 Januari 2021

Vaccine eligibility spurs frustration as youngest Albertan, 20, dies of COVID-19 - Calgary Herald

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Through Friday, Alberta has administered 98,807 doses of COVID-19 vaccine, including at least 8,304 second doses. It’s an increase of only 1,022 shots from the previous day, a slowdown caused by short supply from a disruption to Pfizer shipments.

On Saturday, the province reported 573 new cases of the novel coronavirus. The infections came from 10,894 tests, representing a 5.3 per cent positivity rate and breaking a three-day streak of positivity rates below five per cent.

Also Saturday, Alberta reported 13 additional deaths from COVID-19, bringing the pandemic’s toll in the province to 1,525.

Two of those deaths were people in their 20s from the Alberta Health Services Calgary zone, a man and a woman. According to Alberta Health, it’s unknown whether the man had any comorbidities, but the woman did not.

One of the newly reported deaths was 20 years old, the youngest Albertan to die of COVID-19. Previously, the youngest person reported to have died from the virus was 23. Seven Albertans in their 20s and another seven in their 30s have lost their lives to the virus.

Hospitalization rates continued a steady decline Saturday. There are now 676 Albertans in hospital with the coronavirus, including 114 in intensive-care units.

The number of active cases in Alberta also dropped to 9,727. The province dipped below 10,000 active cases the previous day for the first time since November.

Twitter: @jasonfherring

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2021-01-23 23:34:21Z

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