Senin, 25 Januari 2021

Great Canadian Gaming CEO, wife ticketed after allegedly flying to Yukon to get COVID-19 vaccine - Global News

The Vancouver couple ticketed for disobeying isolation requirements and travelling to the Yukon to jumping the COVID-19 vaccine queue have been identified.

Rod Baker, 55, and his wife, Ekaterina Baker, 32, were ticketed and charged in Whitehorse on Thursday for breaking Yukon’s Civil Emergency Measures Act.

The couple was required by territorial law to isolate for 14 days upon arrival, but allegedly took a private plane to the remote community of Beaver Creek to receive the Moderna vaccine.

They each received two $575 fines for failing to self isolate and failing to behave in a manner consistent with their declaration, according to the tickets filed in the court registry and provided to Global News on Monday.

Read more: Great Canadian Gaming president and CEO Rod Baker resigns

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Also on Monday, Great Canadian Gaming Corp. announced that Rod Baker has stepped down as its president and chief executive. It did not provide further details as to why.

A mobile vaccine team had been administering the vaccine to the isolated community of around 100 people in Beaver Creek, including members of the White River First Nation.

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The couple has 30 days to pay the ticket or plead not guilty and receive a court date to challenge the ticket.

Read more: Couple faces charges after flying to Yukon and receiving coronavirus vaccine

Rod Baker was also a member of Great Canadian Gaming’s board of directors.

Ekaterina Baker is an actress who most recently appearing in the movie Chick Fight.

On Friday, Yukon Community Services Minister John Streicker said he was outraged that a couple had allegedly chartered a flight to Beaver Creek to get the shots only two days after arriving in the territory, despite declaring they would follow the mandatory two-week self-isolation protocol.

Click to play video 'Review into COVID-19 vaccine queue jumping underway in Vancouver' Review into COVID-19 vaccine queue jumping underway in Vancouver
Review into COVID-19 vaccine queue jumping underway in Vancouver – Jan 14, 2021

Streicker said the pair allegedly presented themselves as visiting workers, misleading staff at the mobile clinic in Beaver Creek.

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He said territorial enforcement officers received a call about the couple, who were later intercepted at the Whitehorse airport.

Beaver Creek was chosen as a priority to receive the vaccine because it’s a remote border community.

The White River First Nation leadership says the ‘small fine’ does not feel appropriate for the gravity of the actions. The First Nation is calling on the Yukon Government as well as the RCMP to pursue ‘a more just punishment’.

“We are deeply concerned by the actions of individuals who put our Elders and vulnerable people at risk to jump the line for selfish purposes,” White River First Nation chief Angela Demit said.

“We implore all Canadians to respect the vaccination rollout process and to not take similar actions. While we understand many want to have a vaccination immediately, it is not appropriate to skirt the rules put in place and approach our community in this way.”

– with files from the Canadian Press

© 2021 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.

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2021-01-25 19:10:57Z

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