Sabtu, 23 Januari 2021

Alberta records its youngest COVID-19 death to date, online searches for vaccines spike - Edmonton Journal

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The Alberta government has said the vaccination timeline for seniors 75 years or older not living in long-term care as well as those 65 and older living in First Nation communities is subject to change depending on vaccine supply. Those vaccinations were originally scheduled for February.

Elsewhere in Canada there are signs people may be starting to take matters into their own hands. The CBC reported that a Vancouver pair has been charged after allegedly flying to the Yukon, not following the isolation requirements, and travelling to a community 450 kilometres northwest of Whitehorse in a chartered plane where they managed to get themselves vaccinated at a mobile clinic.

Searches by Canadians looking online for COVID-19 vaccines have nearly tripled in popularity in January compared to the month before, according to one cybersecurity company, suggesting some Canadians could be vulnerable to COVID-related scams.

NordVPN used search volumes reported by Google from Oct. 1 to Jan.15 for the term “Covid vaccines online” and found that the popularity of the search jumped 264 per cent in January compared to December.

“Wherever there is demand, fraudsters’ reaction is swift. Sadly, those who will try to get the COVID-19 vaccine under the counter will fall victim to a scam,” Daniel Markuson, digital privacy expert at NordVPN said in a statement.

For the first half of January, most searches for “covid vaccine online” were coming from Alberta and Saskatchewan, said spokesperson Vita Zaliauskiene. When data up to last Thursday was included, Alberta dropped to fourth, she said.

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2021-01-24 03:15:16Z

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