Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2021

Public Health Warns of Possible COVID Exposure at Mary Browns in Corner Brook - VOCM

Public Health has issued another notification of possible COVID exposure site, this time in Western Health, as part of an ongoing investigation into a case announced yesterday in the region.

Health officials are asking anyone who visited Mary Brown’s at 24 Murphy square in Corner Brook on Thursday, August 19 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. to arrange for COVID-19 testing.

Anyone who visited the location and currently has symptoms is asked to isolate until 24 hours after their symptoms subside and they receive a negative COVID-19 test.

Those who visited the restaurant but are not symptomatic do not need to isolate until they receive a negative test, but should monitor for symptoms.

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2021-08-28 14:08:00Z

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