Kamis, 19 Agustus 2021

Province's Newest Cluster a Reminder NL Must Live with COVID, says Fitzgerald - VOCM

The province’s Chief Medical Officer of Health is trying to curb some of the fears and anxieties related to seeing more cases and clusters of COVID popping up around the province.

At yesterday’s live update, Dr. Janice Fitzgerald announced six new cases of the virus in the Eastern Health region, noting that there is a “small cluster” in the St. John’s region.

Dr. Fitzgerald says there are currently four cases in the cluster and a “high proportion” of contacts, meaning they do expect to see more cases in the coming days.

Health officials are asking anyone who visited the Tim Horton’s at 283 Portugal Cove Road in St. John’s on Thursday, August 12, between 8 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. to arrange for testing. That doesn’t apply to anyone who visited the drive-thru.

Fitzgerald understands that outbreaks and clusters over the last 17 months have created a sense of anxiety, and believes it will be an adjustment for the province to learn to live with COVID.

“And live with it we must,” says Fitzgerald. She says cases will be imported through travel and that’s a reality that needs to be accepted. The goal, she says, is to prevent deaths and preserve hospital capacity.

Meanwhile, Dr. Fitzgerald says most of the cases coming into the province now are the delta variant.

That strain of the virus is known to be much more transmissible than other strains of COVID.

She says they are seeing great numbers in regards to stopping hospitalization and death, but it is still important to remember the standard public health guidance being practiced all along.

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2021-08-19 08:45:00Z

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