Rabu, 25 Agustus 2021

COVID-19 live updates: Drouin urges teachers, daycare workers to get vaccinated ASAP - Montreal Gazette

Quebec’s vaccine passport app for iOS can now be downloaded. The app will display a message: “adequately protected” (in green) or “not adequately protected” (in red).

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Updated throughout the day on Wednesday, Aug. 25. Questions/comments: ariga@postmedia.com


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Top updates

  • Drouin urges teachers, daycare workers to get vaccinated ASAP
  • Quebec expects English version of its vaccine passport site by Thursday
  • Legault has his vaccine passport
  • MUHC to close Montreal General Hospital vaccine clinic on Sunday
  • Ontario hospital association renews call for vaccinations as admissions rise
  • 8,000 Quebecers booked appointments for first vaccine doses yesterday, Dubé says
  • Quebec reports 550 cases, 1 death as hospitalizations mount
  • ‘Delay the gradual return of employees,’ public health tells Quebec businesses
  • Quebec’s vaccine passport app can now be downloaded
  • Opinion: Quebec’s education minister hasn’t earned parents’ trust
  • Relief among parents and teachers as Quebec calls for masks in classrooms
  • Vaccine passport much better than complete lockdown, business groups say
  • Sign up for our free nightly coronavirus newsletter


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2:20 p.m.

Drouin urges teachers, daycare workers to get vaccinated ASAP

Dr. Mylène Drouin, the director of public health for Montreal Island, is holding her first pandemic briefing since June.

Drouin said the Montreal region is “at the heart” of the recent rise in COVID-19 cases in Quebec.

The region is seeing more cases than last year at this time but hospitalizations, intensive-care admissions and deaths are much lower thanks to vaccination, she said.

Montreal is seeing about 170 new cases daily, with about half of them associated with the Delta variant, which is more contagious and can result in more severe infections, Drouin noted.

The incidence rates are highest in the 18-34 age group, but Montreal is also seeing an increase in infections among school-aged children.


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Drouin said 11 outbreaks have been linked to dance events.

She urged Montrealers to be cautious by keeping their distance from others, wearing masks and avoiding shaking hands with people.

Drouin welcomed Quebec’s decision to make masks mandatory in elementary and high school classrooms in nine regions, including Montreal.

She noted that children under 12 can’t get vaccinated yet and, in Montreal, only 53 per cent of those 12 to 17 are fully vaccinated.

“Clearly, we know the virus will circulate” in schools and masks will help reduce that, Drouin said.

She urged teachers and daycare workers who have not done so to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

“As adults, you’ll be at higher risk,” Drouin said.

“Please book an appointment or go to a walk-in clinic – the vaccine is very accessible.”


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She said a vaccination campaign will target schools this fall, with shots available for students, teachers and other employees.

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2:10 p.m.

Quebec expects English version of its vaccine passport site by Thursday

Earlier today, I noted that most details on Quebec’s website explaining the vaccine passport is only available in French. (See item below, timestamped 10:30 a.m.)

It appears the English version of the site has not been updated since the province provided more details about the passport yesterday.

I asked the Health Department when the English translation will be available.

“It’s expected by tomorrow,” a spokesperson tells me.

2:10 p.m.

Legault has his vaccine passport


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1:20 p.m.

Here are the differences between Quebec’s proof of vaccination and its vaccine passport

1 p.m.

MUHC to close Montreal General Hospital vaccine clinic on Sunday


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12:35 p.m.

Ontario hospital association renews call for vaccinations as admissions rise

From The Canadian Press:

Ontario’s hospital association warned Wednesday that broader vaccination is needed to minimize the impact of the pandemic’s fourth wave as admissions to its facilities due to the virus rise.

Anthony Dale, president and CEO of the Ontario Hospital Association, said increasing the vaccination rate will help limit the burden on hospitals and reduce any further disruption to non-COVID services.

“People who are unvaccinated are placing themselves and others at direct risk. This is especially true for school children under the age of 12 who cannot yet be vaccinated,” he said in a statement.

“Given this risk, Ontario’s children’s hospitals are working with provincial authorities to ensure ongoing access to pediatric critical care services through the fall and winter. This planning complements their broader efforts to strengthen health services and supports for children during the pandemic.”


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More than 90 per cent of COVID-19 patients in intensive care and more than 80 per cent of those hospitalized but not in an ICU are not fully vaccinated with two doses, Dale noted.

As well, uptake of vaccinations has “slowed significantly” recently as case counts increase, he said.

The province said slightly more than 82 per cent of Ontarians aged 12 and older have received one dose of a vaccine, and just over 75 per cent have had two shots.

Daily cases have been trending upward – Ontario reported 660 new infections on Wednesday, with 525 of those involving people who are not fully vaccinated or whose vaccination status is unknown.

The province said 283 people are in hospital due to COVID-19 – 253 of whom are not fully inoculated or with an unknown vaccination status. It said 161 people are in intensive care because of the virus, seven of them fully vaccinated.


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12:30 p.m.

Opinion: As campuses reopen, international students need our support

“Government and educational institutions must step up to ensure the well-being of (international) students after going through an extra-difficult time.”

Read the full opinion piece by Ezgi Ozyonum, a public scholar and PhD candidate in the department of education at Concordia University.

12:15 p.m.

8,000 Quebecers booked appointments for first vaccine doses yesterday, Dubé says

Health Minister Christian Dubé says 8,000 people signed up for appointments for first vaccine doses yesterday.

“We continue to seek out new people every day who increase our immunization coverage,” Dubé said via Twitter.

He also posted updated charts showing the incidence of new COVID-19 cases by age group, as well as vaccination rates by age group.


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11:15 a.m.

Update on Quebec’s vaccination campaign

11:15 a.m.

Updated charts: Quebec cases, deaths

11:05 a.m.

Quebec reports 550 cases, 1 death as hospitalizations mount

Quebec has recorded 550 new cases of COVID-19, the provincial government announced this morning.

In addition, one new death was reported. It occurred before Aug. 18.

Hospitalizations and intensive-care admissions jumped and are now at levels not seen in almost two months.

Nineteen people were admitted to hospital with COVID-19, while 11 were discharged, for a net increase of eight.

Of the 19 new hospitalizations, 17 were not adequately vaccinated, Health Minister Christian Dubé said.

Some other key statistics from Quebec’s latest COVID-19 update:


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  • Montreal Island: 193 cases, 1 death.
  • 8 more people are in hospital, for a total of 110
  • 4 more people are in intensive care, for a total of 33
  • 26,748 additional vaccine doses were administered over the previous 24 hours.
  • 18,442 tests were conducted on Monday, the last day for which screening data is available.
  • Positivity rate: 2.8 per cent.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Quebec has reported 386,015 cases and 11,284 deaths linked to COVID-19. A total of 370,858 people who have contracted the disease have since recovered.

10:55 a.m.

‘Delay the gradual return of employees,’ public health tells Quebec businesses

Public Health is recommending employers delay plans for having their workers return to their offices.


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In a statement issued Tuesday, officials said given the growing number of COVID-19 cases and the increased presence of the Delta variant, “it would be more prudent to delay the gradual return of employees to their work places at this time.”

Read our full story, by Philip Authier.

10:40 a.m.

McGill student society backs law professors demanding vaccine mandate

Last week, we reported on a group of McGill law professors demanding that the university make vaccinations mandatory for on-campus classes and activities.

The Students’ Society of McGill University has issued a statement backing the professors.


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10:30 a.m.

For now, much of Quebec’s information on vaccine passport is only available in French

Quebec has posted detailed information about the vaccine passport that will come into effect in seven days, but for now most of it is only available in French.

The main vaccine passport page says “some … content may be only available in French while the translation is in progress.”

Missing are details on how the VaxiCode and VaxiCode Verif apps work, and where they will be required.

The English version is here, while the French one is here.

10 a.m.

Quebec’s vaccine passport app can now be downloaded

Quebecers can now download the iOS version of the vaccine passport they’ll need as of Sept. 1.

It will be mandatory for people 13 and older who want to access services and activities deemed non-essential by the provincial government, including bars, restaurants, gyms, festivals and sporting events.


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Though it will come into effect Sept. 1, no penalties will be issued for the first two weeks. Quebecers will be able to use a smartphone app to prove their vaccination status or simply carry their QR code on paper.

There are two apps: VaxiCode, for the general public, and VaxiCode Verif, for people who will have to check vaccination status.

The apps are now available via Apple’s App Store for iOS devices – iPhones, iPads and iPods. The versions for Android devices are expected to be available via Google Play within a few days.

To download VaxiCode on an Apple device, click here using an iPhone, iPad or iPod.

To download VaxiCode Verif on an Apple device, click here using an iPhone, iPad or iPod.

Once you have downloaded the app, you must add to it the QR code that proves you have been vaccinated. That QR code can be downloaded via the government’s self-service portal. Quebec has posted a description of how its QR codes work.


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You can either use the app to scan the QR code, or save the QR code to your Photos and tell the app to add it from there.

After you have scanned the QR code, the app will show whether you are “adequately protected” (a green message) or “not adequately protected” (a red message).

From the government’s description of VaxiCode app:

“The proof of vaccination saved in VaxiCode is encrypted on the device and is not transmitted to anyone. Only a presentation of the QR code allows the user to communicate their proof of vaccination to a third party.

“No usage analytics are collected by VaxiCode.

“VaxiCode requires a weekly update, via the Internet, of the vaccine protection rules. The app asks for user consent before downloading new rules. The only communication with the Internet by VaxiCode takes place when checking the availability of these updates.


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“VaxiCode requires at least an iPhone, or iPod touch on iOS 11 or newer. Access to the camera is required to read QR codes of proof of vaccination, or access to the phone’s photo library to import the image of proof of vaccination.”

Quebec has posted a video explaining how the VaxiCode Verif app works.

9:40 a.m.

Opinion: Quebec’s education minister hasn’t earned parents’ trust

“Rather than recognizing that this is going to be another challenging school year for everyone, Education Minister Jean-François Roberge instead lectured parents about the hazards of voicing their concerns too loudly.”

Read the latest column by Allison Hanes.

9:40 a.m.

Relief among parents and teachers as Quebec calls for masks in classrooms

Better late than never. The Quebec government’s announcement Tuesday that masks will be mandatory for schoolchildren this fall was welcomed with open arms — and a few caveats — by parents, teachers and medical professionals.


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Read our full story, by T’Cha Dunlevy.

9:40 a.m.

Vaccine passport much better than complete lockdown, business groups say

Business groups welcomed Quebec’s decision to impose a vaccine passport, saying the system will help preserve economic activity — though concerns remain over its impact on merchants pummelled by almost 18 months of pandemic.

Read our full story, by Frédéric Tomesco.

9:40 a.m.

As Quebec’s vaccine mandate looms, some nurses remain hesitant

Hearings into mandatory vaccination for health workers in Quebec will begin at the National Assembly on Thursday.

Ahead of the hearings, in which Quebec will hear from opposition parties and various stakeholders on the issue, Presse Canadienne spoke with nurses who are still hesitant to be vaccinated.


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“I believe in science,” said one nurse, Valerie (not her real name). “However, the first thing they tell you when you study to become a nurse is that caution is always required and that you need free and informed consent from the patient.”

Read our full story.

9:15 a.m.

The situation across Canada

Here’s the rate of case growth per 100,000 people over the past seven days, via the federal government’s latest epidemiology update.

9:15 a.m.

A guide to COVID-19 vaccinations in Quebec

Local health authorities have set up mass vaccination sites across Montreal.

You can book appointments via the Clic Santé website or by phone at 1-877-644-4545.

Quebecers can also visit walk-in AstraZeneca, Moderna and Pfizer vaccine clinics.


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Here are the nuts and bolts of getting vaccinated, by Katherine Wilton. Her guide includes the age groups targeted, how to book appointments, and addresses of vaccination centres.

Two private sites can also help you book appointments:

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9:15 a.m.

Here are the current pandemic restrictions in Montreal and Quebec

We are regularly updating our list of what services are open, closed or modified in Montreal and Quebec, including information on the curfew and other lockdown measures.

You can read it here.

9:15 a.m.

Here’s where Montrealers can get tested today

Montrealers can be screened at test centres across the island.

You can check screening clinic wait times here.

8:30 a.m.

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Stay informed with our daily email newsletter focused on local coronavirus coverage and other essential news, delivered directly to your email inbox by 7 p.m. on weekdays.

You can sign up here.


Read my previous live blogs here.

  1. According to the Quebec government, when the QR code on a fully vaccinated person's phone is scanned, an

    Aug. 24: Quebec’s vaccine passport comes into effect Sept. 1

  2. Find all our coronavirus coverage



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2021-08-25 18:11:15Z

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