Sabtu, 13 Maret 2021

Alberta logs record 70 variant cases as AstraZeneca bookings near limit - Calgary Herald

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Alberta detected a record number of cases of more-contagious variants of COVID-19 Saturday as the province logged its highest case count since January.

The news comes as Alberta’s supply of AstraZeneca shots dwindles amid high vaccine uptake by eligible groups.

There are 70 new cases of variants in Alberta, all the B.1.1.7 strain first discovered in the United Kingdom. It’s the highest single-day jump in variant cases to date. Previously, the province reported 54 variant cases on March 7.

Alberta has now seen 854 cases of variants: 839 of the B.1.1.7 strain, and 15 of the B.1.351 variant that originated in South Africa. Forty-three per cent of those cases are in the Alberta Health Services Edmonton zone, with another 35 per cent in the Calgary zone.

An Alberta Health spokesperson said all positive COVID-19 cases are sent for genome sequencing, which takes additional time, meaning new variant cases represent infections already reported on previous days.


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“Provincially, we are currently averaging between 30 and 40 cases a day. This is growing, but not exponentially,” said Sherene Khaw.

Khaw declined to provide data on how many variant cases were active, or how many deaths have been linked to variants.


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In total, the province reported 474 new cases of the novel coronavirus Saturday, the most in one day since Jan. 28, when 520 cases were tallied. The cases came from 8,873 tests for a positivity rate of 5.3 per cent, the highest rate since Feb. 26. The number of active cases in Alberta rose to 4,594.

Five more deaths were reported in Alberta, four of which took place in the Edmonton zone. The province’s toll from COVID-19 has reached 1,940.

Despite upticks elsewhere, the province’s hospitalizations rates saw a slight decline Saturday. There are now 254 Albertans currently in hospital, 35 of whom are in intensive-care units, compared to 257 hospitalizations and 38 ICU admissions Friday.

Hospital admission rates are considered a lagging indicator, meaning changes to case rates usually take about two weeks to reflect in hospital numbers.

Also Saturday, Alberta announced it would not expand eligibility for the AstraZeneca vaccine any further at this time due to limited supply, with online bookings closing at 4 p.m. Sunday.


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The province received an initial shipment of 58,500 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine last week, allowing some Albertans born in 1957 and earlier the opportunity to book jabs of the vaccine.

AHS did not say how many appointments have now been booked, but said they were nearing their maximum capacity of bookings they can schedule for the current supply of the vaccine.

Eligibility for the AstraZeneca jab had opened to all Albertans without severe health conditions born from 1957 to 1961, and First Nations, Métis and Inuit people born from 1972 to 1976.

Limited appointments are still available in Calgary and Edmonton, and more are open in other areas of the province. That means those who sign up now may have to travel outside their community to receive the vaccine, AHS warned.

After online bookings for the remaining AstraZeneca shots close Sunday at 4 p.m., Albertans will still be able to book through 811 until supply is fully depleted.

Additional doses of AstraZeneca are expected to arrive in Alberta in the spring. All Albertans who want to be should still receive their first dose of vaccine by the end of June, the province said.

Twitter: @jasonfherring


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2021-03-14 00:11:43Z

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