Minggu, 10 November 2019

Garbage, fake, ‘degenerate’: How Donald Trump describes this venture owned by the world's richest man - Times of India

US President Donald Trump and Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos don’t really see eye to eye on many things. Bezos, who is the richest man in the world, is the owner of many businesses and companies. One ‘high-profile’ venture that Bezos has is The Washington Post and Donald Trump has been extremely vocal in his criticism of the newspaper. In less than 24 hours, Trump unleashed a barrage of tweets where he called The Washington Post — or rather as he likes to call it The “Amazon” Washington Post — fake, garbage and degenerate.
In his first tweet, while criticising the newspaper and its reporters, Trump called it “a garbage newspaper.” In his second tweet, Trump accused Washington Post of doing a “made up” story and called it “degenerate”. In another tweet he called the newspaper “Fake Washington Post.”

As we mentioned, all these tweets happened in the space of less than 24 hours.
In fact, earlier this year, he actually called Jeff Bezos as “Jeff Bozo” in a tweet. In the same tweet, he also said that it would be better if “Amazon Washington Post” was owned by someone else. “So sorry to hear the news about Jeff Bozo being taken down by a competitor whose reporting, I understand, is far more accurate than the reporting in his lobbyist newspaper, the Amazon Washington Post. Hopefully the paper will soon be placed in better & more responsible hands!”
Bezos on his part has always maintained a certain restraint about commenting on Trump, at least in public. Except one time and that too was when Trump wasn’t the US president. Back in December 2015, Trump had criticised Bezos and Washington Post in a tweet. Bezos then – and perhaps one of the very few times – directly responded Trump. “Finally trashed by @realDonaldTrump. Will still reserve him a seat on the Blue Origin rocket. #sendDonaldtospace” In the tweet, Bezos actually said that Trump should be sent to space and that he will save him a seat on one of his rockets.

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2019-11-10 04:03:46Z

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